I recently read a book The Fountainhead. It blew my concept of the words Selfish and Selfless. We have been taught since our childhood to be Selfless. To be able to share with others.To pity who are Below us and give them what we can. To be virtuous by pitying lesser Beings. To be socially agreeable and hence do the tasks which fits the society and is understood by them. That's what we are taught. To believe without understanding. To follow without being able to question.By being selfless we have to give our Ego. we have to give our Integrity. We have to give our ability to reason. We live to Impress others.We walk on a path Laid by others.We do not Create.We Borrow from the society the things which were Given as inheritance. We twist them and we return the same. And then we expect Appreciation for what we did. Because we acted selflessly. Because we gave our self to our society. But How can we be selfless when there was no self since the beginning? We were a mere embodiment who worked to impress others and get appreciation from others. There was no Self to give. Then how can we call ourselves selfless?We lost our integrity the moment we wanted to be selfless and lost the Self. hence the selfless act becomes the most selfish act as we became parasites to feed on praise of other people. In being able to act selflessly we need a lesser society. We need people whom we can pity. we want our society to be diseased so that we can cure it for its illness. We induce it to ask our pity and then we give it back to them. Such is the act of selflessness. If we see the modern world then we see that we need beggars to show we are selfless, to give them. We need homeless to build homes for . We need orphaned to give them foster families. We need a wound so that we can lick to cure it. Thus selflessness is not an Attribute. It is an act. An act to pull the society of mediocre minds together. it brings Collectivism. People think together . And when they try to do together it becomes a mass movement. Which only ultimately consumes the society as a whole. Selfishness on the other hand has become a misunderstood word in true sense selfishness means individualism. It means putting one self before others. It means realizing one's own potential and putting it on use. It means that one is not to be affected by other people's opinion of himself. The creators are the most selfish people because they put their work before everyone's else. They bring out what they truly think. Hence they do not borrow from society but they give society something to be borrowed from.Plato was being most selfish when he said that earth was round. He did not cared for other people's belief at that time. He cared only about his own idea and hence his individualism gave the people a new society to build on. Such is the power of being selfish in the truest sense.If Adam was not selfish to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge after being commanded not to do so then there would have been no humanity to build on in philosophical sense. If we believe scriptures then Adam's selfishness gave rise to a human race. Being selfish in truest sense is not easy because you have to flow against the current. You have to face the resistance of mediocre people who think they are selfless at every step. This mediocre minds want that the world remains as it is so that they can continue to be selfless. So that they can continue to help others . They bring stagnation with their collectivism. But the individualist , the selfish brings a current to move the world further. He doesn't pity anyone because he creates a society where one does not need pity . He brings out equality in true sense. Because a selfish person is one with integrity. One who doesn't lose his self to impress others. Only one with a self can bring a real change. A Real Vision.